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Yii2 笔记

Date: 2018-07-24 00:00:00
Description: Yii2 使用笔记。
Keywords: Yii2, 使用, PHP
Category: engineering_technology/computer/software/web/yii2
Tag: yii2, php
Link: https://www.diewuxi.com/blog/article/102.html


* 2018-08-23
    * Add: Share host directory setting.
* 2018-08-21
    * Add: File mode problem.
    * Add: Add deploy.
* 2018-08-16
    * Add: drop_xxx_from_yyy not work, drop_xxx_column_from_yyy_table work.
* 2018-08-06 
    * Add: add_xxx_to_yyy not work.
* 2018-07-24
    * Done


Version: yii2 basic 2.0.15 site.


  1. Use offical site file, 2.0.15
  • uncompress
  • apache setting
  • setting files permission

In root directory of the program, chmod for apache.

chmod runtime 0777
chmod web/assets 0777
chmod yii 0755

May chmod other directories, when gii create code. Such as controllers, models, views. And other directory you program may write to, such as files upload.

  1. Use composer


Open yii server(php server):

php yii serve

Open browser


Create migration file

yii migrate/create <name> <options>
    a description of the migration, only number, alphabet and underline are allowed
    create_<table_name>                     can generate extra code for create a table named <table_name>
    drop_<table_name>                       can generate extra code for drop a table named <table_name>
    add_<column_name>_to_<table_name>       can generate extra code for add column
    drop_<column_name>_from_<table_name>    can generate extra code for add column

    --fields=<fields_setting>   <fields_setting> example: "author_id:integer:notNull:foreignKey(user),category_id:integer:defaultValue(1):foreignKey,title:string,body:text"
    --migrationPath=<path>      string (默认值为 @app/migrations),指定存放所有迁移类文件的目录。该选项可以是一个目录的路径, 也可以是 路径别名。需要注意的是指定的目录必选存在, 否则将会触发一个错误。

edit migration file

fileds map:

SCHEMA_CACHE_VERSION    1               Schema cache version, to detect incompatibilities   yii\db\Schema
                                        in cached values when the data format of the
                                        cache changes.   
TYPE_BIGINT             'bigint'                                                            yii\db\Schema
TYPE_BIGPK              'bigpk'                                                             yii\db\Schema
TYPE_BINARY             'binary'                                                            yii\db\Schema
TYPE_BOOLEAN            'boolean'                                                           yii\db\Schema
TYPE_CHAR               'char'                                                              yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DATE               'date'                                                              yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DATETIME           'datetime'                                                          yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DECIMAL            'decimal'                                                           yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DOUBLE             'double'                                                            yii\db\Schema
TYPE_FLOAT              'float'                                                             yii\db\Schema
TYPE_INTEGER            'integer'                                                           yii\db\Schema
TYPE_JSON               'json'                                                              yii\db\Schema
TYPE_MONEY              'money'                                                             yii\db\Schema
TYPE_PK                 'pk'                                                                yii\db\Schema
TYPE_SMALLINT           'smallint'                                                          yii\db\Schema
TYPE_STRING             'string'                                                            yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TEXT               'text'                                                              yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TIME               'time'                                                              yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TIMESTAMP          'timestamp'                                                         yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TINYINT            'tinyint'                                                           yii\db\Schema
TYPE_UBIGPK             'ubigpk'                                                            yii\db\Schema
TYPE_UPK                'upk'                                                               yii\db\Schema

下是所有 migration 类提供的数据库访问方法的列表:

execute():              执行一条 SQL 语句
insert():               插入单行数据
batchInsert():          插入多行数据
update():               更新数据
delete():               删除数据
createTable():          创建表
renameTable():          重命名表名
dropTable():            删除一张表
truncateTable():        清空表中的所有数据
addColumn():            加一个字段
renameColumn():         重命名字段名称
dropColumn():           删除一个字段
alterColumn():          修改字段
addPrimaryKey():        添加一个主键
dropPrimaryKey():       删除一个主键
addForeignKey():        添加一个外键
dropForeignKey():       删除一个外键
createIndex():          创建一个索引
dropIndex():            删除一个索引
addCommentOnColumn():       adding comment to column
dropCommentFromColumn():    dropping comment from column
addCommentOnTable():        adding comment to table
dropCommentFromTable():     dropping comment from table


public function up()
    $this->createTable('news', [
            'id' => $this->primaryKey(),
            'title' => $this->string()->notNull(),
            'content' => $this->text(),

public function down()


I suspect $this->primarykey(), primaryKey can written as pk, according above table.

I find that create_xxx do not work, instead create_xxx_table work.

add_xxx_to_yyy not work

drop_xxx_from_yyy not work

drop_xxx_column_from_yyy_table work

Excute migration command

yii migrate

migrate may create migrations table in the database.


yii migrate/history     # 显示最近10次提交的迁移
yii migrate/history 5   # 显示最近5次提交的迁移
yii migrate/history all # 显示所有已经提交过的迁移

yii migrate/new         # 显示前10个还未提交的迁移
yii migrate/new 5       # 显示前5个还未提交的迁移
yii migrate/new all     # 显示所有还未提交的迁移


yii migrate/mark 180806_115901

如果发现已提交的迁移不满意,并且这些迁移不能还原,可以删除掉这些迁移文件,这时数据库中仍有记录,还要手动还原更改到这些迁移之前,再使用上述命令使迁移位置记录到参数对应的位置处,这时数据库中的记录也删除了,就好像没有进行过这些迁移一样。 然后可以重新写迁移文件,做迁移。

File mode problem

Set dirMode, fileMode if invoved file access problem.

'log' => [
    'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0,
    'targets' => [
            'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
            'levels' => ['error', 'warning'],
            'dirMode' => 0777,
            'fileMode' => 0777,
            'enabled' => false,
'assetManager' => [
    'appendTimestamp' => true,
    'dirMode' => 0777,
    'fileMode' => 0777,
    'forceCopy' => true,
$config['modules']['debug'] = [
    'class' => 'yii\debug\Module',
    // uncomment the following to add your IP if you are not connecting from localhost.
    //'allowedIPs' => ['', '::1'],
    'dirMode' => 0777,
    'fileMode' => 0777,


Clear tempary file

rm -r runtime/*
rm -r web/asset/*

Share hosts, document root top directory

app->request->baseUrl       default to rtrim(dirname(scriptUrl), '\\/')
app->request->scriptUrl     default to related to scriptFile, scriptFile default to $SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']

app->homeUrl                default to baseUrl . '/' or scriptUrl
app->urlManager->baseUrl    default to baseUrl
app->urlManager->scriptUrl  default to scriptUrl
app->assetManager->basePath default to @webroot/assets, @webroot default to scriptFile, scriptFile default to $SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']
app->assetManager->baseUrl  default to @web/assets, @web default to baseUrl

Last modified: 2018-08-23

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