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使用命令行工具开发 8051 单片机程序

Date: 2024-02-25 08:03:32
Description: 不想用 Keil 开发,尝试用命令行工具通过简单直接的方式开发 8051 单片机程序。
Keywords: 8051, MCU, STC, Command Line Tools, sdas8051, 命令行工具, Makefile
Category: engineering_technology/computer/code_platform/mcu
Tag: mcu, build, sdas8051, MCS-51, 8051, STC, makefile
Link: https://www.diewuxi.com/blog/article/53.html

1 开发环境

macOS Sonoma 14.1

    sdcc 4.2.0 #13081 (Mac OS X ppc)
        sdas8051 V02.00 + NoICE + SDCC mods  (Intel 8051)
        sdld V03.00 + NoICE + sdld
        packihx unknown
        makebin unknown

    stcgal 1.10

STC90C516RD+ 11.0592 MHz

2 目录结构和代码

  • 目录结构
  • 代码(led_flowing.asm)

Port 0(P0) 上的 8 个 LED 灯逐个亮起一下。按字节方式修改 P0 寄存器,使用循环指令 RL 改变字节数值,使用软件方式延时。

    MOV R0, #8
    MOV A, #0b11111110

    MOV P0, A
    RL A


; Delay time ~ (R5 * 0.01) s, at 12 MHz clock.
    MOV R5, #20
    MOV R6, #100
    MOV R7, #50
    DJNZ R7, .
    DJNZ R6, DLY2
    DJNZ R5, DLY1


3 构建程序的步骤

3.1 用汇编器汇编代码,生成对象文件(.rel)

$ sdas8051 -o led_flowing.rel led_flowing.asm

sdas8051 是 sdcc 包含的 Intel 8051 单片机汇编器,使用方法:

sdas Assembler V02.00 + NoICE + SDCC mods  (Intel 8051)

Copyright (C) 2012  Alan R. Baldwin
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Usage: [-Options] file
Usage: [-Options] outfile file1 [file2 file3 ...]
  -d   Decimal listing
  -q   Octal   listing
  -x   Hex     listing (default)
  -g   Undefined symbols made global
  -n   Don't resolve global assigned value symbols
  -a   All user symbols made global
  -b   Display .define substitutions in listing
  -bb  and display without .define substitutions
  -c   Disable instruction cycle count in listing
  -j   Enable NoICE Debug Symbols
  -y   Enable SDCC  Debug Symbols
  -l   Create list   file/outfile[.lst]
  -o   Create object file/outfile[.rel]
  -s   Create symbol file/outfile[.sym]
  -p   Disable automatic listing pagination
  -u   Disable .list/.nlist processing
  -w   Wide listing format for symbol table
  -z   Disable case sensitivity for symbols
  -f   Flag relocatable references by  `   in listing file
  -ff  Flag relocatable references by mode in listing file
  -I   Add the named directory to the include file
       search path.  This option may be used more than once.
       Directories are searched in the order given.


使用 -o 选项创建对象文件.

3.2 使用链接器生成 .ihx 文件

$ sdld -n -i led_flowing.rel

sdas8051 是 sdcc 包含的链接器,使用方法:

sdld Linker V03.00 + NoICE + sdld

Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file
Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] outfile file1 [file2 ...]
  -p   Echo commands to stdout (default)
  -n   No echo of commands to stdout
Alternates to Command Line Input:
  -c                   ASlink >> prompt input
  -f   file[.lk]       Command File input
  -k   Library path specification, one per -k
  -l   Library file specification, one per -l
  -b   area base address = expression
  -g   global symbol = expression
Map format:
  -m   Map output generated as (out)file[.map]
  -w   Wide listing format for map file
  -x   Hexadecimal (default)
  -d   Decimal
  -q   Octal
  -i   Intel Hex as (out)file[.ihx]
  -s   Motorola S Record as (out)file[.s19]
  -j   NoICE Debug output as (out)file[.noi]
  -y   SDCDB Debug output as (out)file[.cdb]
  -u   Update listing file(s) with link data as file(s)[.rst]
Case Sensitivity:
  -z   Disable Case Sensitivity for Symbols
  -I   [iram-size] Check for internal RAM overflow
  -X   [xram-size] Check for external RAM overflow
  -C   [code-size] Check for code overflow
  -M   Generate memory usage summary file[.mem]
  -S   [stack-size] Allocate space for stack
  -e   or null line terminates input

使用 -i 选项创建 Intel Hex 格式的.

3.3 生成 hex 文件供单片机下载

(1) 优化 ihx 文件,生成 hex 文件供单片机下载

$ packihx led_flowing.ihx > led_flowing.hex

sdas8051 是 sdcc 包含的工具,工具本身没有使用方法,其源代码中有以下说明:

 * packihx.c:
 * utility to pack an Intel HEX format file by removing redundant 
 * extended offset records and accumulating data records up to
 * OUTPUT_CHUNK (currently 16) bytes.
 * Released to the public domain 10/16/2000 Kevin Vigor.

大概是优化 ihx 文件,如把长行变短。对比文件内容如下:





(2) 转换 ihx 到二进制格式数据

$ makebin -p -s 65536 led_flowing.ihx led_flowing.bin

makebin 是 sdcc 包含的工具,转换 ihx 文件到二进制或者 GameBoy 二进制格式,使用方法如下:

makebin: convert a Intel IHX file to binary or GameBoy format binary.
Usage: makebin [options] [<in_file> [<out_file>]]
  -p             pack mode: the binary file size will be truncated to the last occupied byte
  -s romsize     size of the binary file (default: rom banks * 16384)
  -Z             generate GameBoy format binary file
  -S             generate Sega Master System format binary file
  -o bytes       skip amount of bytes in binary file
SMS format options (applicable only with -S option):
  -xo n          rom size (0xa-0x2) (default: 0xc)
  -xj n          set region code (3-7) (default: 4)
  -xv n          version number (0-15) (default: 0)
GameBoy format options (applicable only with -Z option):
  -yo n          number of rom banks (default: 2) (autosize: A)
  -ya n          number of ram banks (default: 0)
  -yt n          MBC type (default: no MBC)
  -yl n          old licensee code (default: 0x33)
  -yk cc         new licensee string (default: 00)
  -yn name       cartridge name (default: none)
  -yc            GameBoy Color compatible
  -yC            GameBoy Color only
  -ys            Super GameBoy
  -yS            Convert .noi file named like input file to .sym
  -yj            set non-Japanese region flag
  -yN            do not copy big N validation logo into ROM header
  -yp addr=value Set address in ROM to given value (address 0x100-0x1FE)
  <in_file>      optional IHX input file, '-' means stdin. (default: stdin)
  <out_file>     optional output file, '-' means stdout. (default: stdout)

使用 -p 选项只保留代码用到的空间,否则的话会补成 FF,使用 -s 指定代码空间的大小,使用默认值有时候会出错(error: size of the buffer is too small.)。

4 下载到单片机

# stcgal -b 115200 -p /dev/tty.usbserial-2410 led_flowing.hex

# stcgal -b 115200 -p /dev/tty.usbserial-2410 led_flowing.bin

stcgal 是一个 Python 实现的 STC 单片机 ISP 下载工具,我通过 pip 安装的,使用方法如下:

usage: stcgal [-h] [-e] [-a] [-A {dtr,rts}] [-r RESETCMD] [-P {stc89,stc89a,stc12a,stc12b,stc12,stc15a,stc15,stc8,stc8d,stc8g,usb15,auto}] [-p PORT]
              [-b BAUD] [-l HANDSHAKE] [-o OPTION] [-t TRIM] [-D] [-V]
              [code_image] [eeprom_image]

stcgal 1.10 - an STC MCU ISP flash tool
(C) 2014-2018 Grigori Goronzy and others

positional arguments:
  code_image            code segment file to flash (BIN/HEX)
  eeprom_image          eeprom segment file to flash (BIN/HEX)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --erase           only erase flash memory
  -a, --autoreset       cycle power automatically by asserting DTR
  -A {dtr,rts}, --resetpin {dtr,rts}
                        pin to hold down when using --autoreset (default: DTR)
  -r RESETCMD, --resetcmd RESETCMD
                        shell command for board power-cycling (instead of DTR assertion)
  -P {stc89,stc89a,stc12a,stc12b,stc12,stc15a,stc15,stc8,stc8d,stc8g,usb15,auto}, --protocol {stc89,stc89a,stc12a,stc12b,stc12,stc15a,stc15,stc8,stc8d,stc8g,usb15,auto}
                        protocol version (default: auto)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  serial port device
  -b BAUD, --baud BAUD  transfer baud rate (default: 115200)
  -l HANDSHAKE, --handshake HANDSHAKE
                        handshake baud rate (default: 2400)
  -o OPTION, --option OPTION
                        set option (can be used multiple times, see documentation)
  -t TRIM, --trim TRIM  RC oscillator frequency in kHz (STC15+ series only)
  -D, --debug           enable debug output
  -V, --version         print version info and exit

使用 -b 选项设置传输 Baud rate,使用 -p 选项设置串口设备,我的开发板的 USB 转串口芯片是 PL2303,发现在 MacOS 下不用装驱动,串口在操作系统里面显示为 /dev/tty.usbserial-2410,在不通计算机上后面的数字可能不同。其它选项使用默认值。


5 使用 Makefile 文件

MAIN = led_flowing


.PHONY: all clean rel ihx hex bin upload uploadbin

all: hex bin

$(MAIN).rel: $(MAIN).asm
    sdas8051 -o $(MAIN).rel $(MAIN).asm

$(MAIN).ihx: $(MAIN).rel
    sdld -i $(MAIN).ihx $(MAIN).rel

$(MAIN).hex: $(MAIN).ihx
    packihx $(MAIN).ihx > $(MAIN).hex

$(MAIN).bin: $(MAIN).ihx
    makebin -p -s 65536 $(MAIN).ihx $(MAIN).bin

upload: $(MAIN).hex
    stcgal -b 115200 -p $(PORT) $(MAIN).hex

    - rm $(MAIN).rel
    - rm $(MAIN).ihx
    - rm $(MAIN).hex
    - rm $(MAIN).bin
  • make 构建 hex 和 bin 文件
  • make upload 先构建程序,然后下载 hex 到单片机
  • make clean 清理生成的文件

Last modified: 2024-02-26

Comments [1]

  • IeLhocClV[1#]
    2024-09-15 05:33:13Reply

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