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Blog / engineering_technology / computer / general / other / Encoding format for number in computer systems


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Encoding format for number in computer systems

Date: 2022-08-28 13:00:00
Description: Some encoding format for number in computer system.
Keywords: Encoding, Signed encodings, Two's Complement Encodings, Inverse code
Category: engineering_technology/computer/general/other
Tag: encoding
Link: https://www.diewuxi.com/blog/article/68.html

Some encoding format for number in computer system.

Signed Encodings

X_ori = X_r                 x \in [0, 2^{n-1})
X_ori = 2^{n-1} - X_r       x \in (-2^{n-1}, 0]

X_ori = X_r                 x \in [0, 1)
X_ori = 1 - X_r             x \in (-1, 0]

Two's Complement Encodings

X_com = X_r                 x \in [0, 2^{n})
X_com = 2^{n+1} + X_r       x \in [-2^{n}, 0)

X_com = X_r                 x \in [0, 1)
X_com = 2 + X_r             x \in [-1, 0)

Inverse code

X_inv = X_r                 x \in [0, 2^{n})
X_inv = 2^{n+1} -1 + X_r    x \in (-2^{n}, 0]

X_com = X_r                 x \in [0, 1)
X_com = (2 - 2_{-n} + X_r   x \in (-1, 0]

Last modified: 2022-08-28

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