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Blog / engineering_technology / electronic_electrical / mcu / 8051微控制器指令周期


Article^ Parent


Date: 2022-04-04 00:00:00
Description: 8051微控制器指令周期汇总。
Keywords: mcs-51, 8051, 指令周期
Category: engineering_technology/electronic_electrical/mcu
Tag: MCS-51, mcu
Link: https://www.diewuxi.com/blog/article/71.html


  • 2022-04-04
    • Done


inst type   transfer type                                       machine duration
---------   -------------------------------------------         ----------------
XRAM        A           <-->    @R/DPTR                         2
ROM         A           <-->    @A+PC/@A+DPTR                   2
STACK                                                           2
exchange    A           <-->    R/@R/direct                     1

RAM         mem         <-->    mem                             2
            mem         <-->    R/@R                            2
            mem/DPTR    <-->    direct                          2
            A           <-->    mem                             1
            A           <-->    R/@R                            1
            A/R/@R      <-->    direct                          1


inst type   transfer type                                       machine duration
---------   -------------------------------------------         ----------------
ADD         A           <-->    R/@R/mem/direct                 1
ADDC        A           <-->    R/@R/mem/direct                 1

INC         A/R/@R/mem                                          1
            DPTR                                                2

SUBB        A           <-->    R/@R/mem/direct                 1
DEC         A/R/@R/mem                                          1
DA          A                                                   1
MUL         A B                                                 4
DIV         A B                                                 4


inst type   transfer type                                       machine duration
---------   -------------------------------------------         ----------------
ANL         A           <-->    mem                             1
            A           <--     R/@R/direct                     1
            mem         <--     direct                          2

ORL         A           <-->    mem                             1
            A           <--     R/@R/direct                     1
            mem         <--     direct                          2

XRL         A           <-->    mem                             1
            A           <--     R/@R/direct                     1
            mem         <--     direct                          2

CLR         A                                                   1
CPL         A                                                   1
RL          A                                                   1
RR          A                                                   1
RLC         A                                                   1
RRC         A                                                   1


inst type   transfer type                                       machine duration
---------   -------------------------------------------         ----------------
LJMP                                                            2
AJMP                                                            2
SJMP                                                            2
JMP                                                             2
JZ                                                              2
JNZ                                                             2

CJNE        A           <--     mem/direct                      2
            R/@R        <--     direct                          2

DJNZ        R/mem                                               2
ACALL                                                           2
LCALL                                                           2
RET                                                             2
RETI                                                            2
NOP                                                             1


inst type   transfer type                                       machine duration
---------   -------------------------------------------         ----------------
MOV         C           <--     bit                             1
SET         C/bit                                               1
CPL         C/bit                                               1
ANL         C/bit                                               2
ORL         C/bit                                               2
JCL                                                             2
JNL                                                             2
JB          bit                                                 2
JNB         bit                                                 2
JBC         bit                                                 2

Last modified: 2022-04-04

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