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Blog / engineering_technology / computer / software / file_management / Rsync 笔记


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Rsync 笔记

Date: 2018-10-05 00:00:00
Description: Rsync 使用笔记。
Keywords: Rsync, 备份, 同步
Category: engineering_technology/computer/software/file_management
Tag: rsync, backup
Link: https://www.diewuxi.com/blog/article/82.html


* 2024-01-08
    * Modify: Format multiline command, add --log-file option.
* 2023-12-06
    * Add: Add sync remotely.
* 2018-10-05
    * Done


sync directory "/home/fjc/sound/music" to "/media/fjc/4-media/sound/music"

$ rsync --arichive --delete /home/fjc/sound/music /meida/fjc/4-media/sound

Show progress

$ rsync --progress --archive --delete /home/fjc/sound/music /meida/fjc/4-media/sound

Sync remotely, fastes method

rsync \
    --recursive \
    --links \
    --times \
    --specials \
    --update \
    --rsh="ssh -c aes256-gcm@openssh.com -o Compression=no -T -x" \
    --progress \
    --itemize-changes \
    --human-readable \
    --verbose \
    --log-file=~/rsync.log \
    --dry-run \ home

Last modified: 2024-01-08

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