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Blog / engineering_technology / computer / software / media / general / 计算机图片尺寸笔记


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Date: 2018-10-17 00:00:00
Description: 计算机图片尺寸笔记。
Keywords: 图片, ppi
Category: engineering_technology/computer/software/media/general
Tag: graphic
Link: https://www.diewuxi.com/blog/article/85.html


* 2018-10-17
    * Done


$$s = k * l$$

s: logical size, unit pixels
k: density, unit pixels/inch
l: practical size, inch

1 inch = 2.45 cm = 72 pt

Logic size in different density and practical size

A4 paper: 21 cm * 19 cm, Half width figure 8 cm, Full width figure 15 cm.

Practical size(cm)  72      96      300     600     1200
------------------- ------  ------- ------- ------- --------
8                   235.10  313.47  979.60  1959.18 3918.37
15                  440.82  587.76  1836.73 3673.47 7346.94

Practical size(cm)  300
-----------------   --------------

8 cm * 6 cm         980 * 735
15 cm * 11.25 cm    1837 * 1378

Font logical size in different density and practical size

Practical size(pt)  72      96      300     600     1200
------------------- ------  ------- ------  ------  ---------
1                   1       1.33    4.17    8.33    16.67
2                   2       2.67    8.33    16.67   33.33
8                   8       10.67   33.33   66.67   133.33
16                  16      21.33   66.67   133.33  266.67
24                  24      32      100     200     400
32                  32      42.67   133.33  266.67  533.33
36                  36      48      150     300     600
48                  48      64      200     400     800

Gnuplot issue

gnuplot term pngcairo set figure density to 72 ppi, when need high density figure, we can set logical size under the expected density directly, and then change density by other program.

But we can not set logical size of font in gnuplot, which must be set in practical size in current density(72 ppi).

So, we achive the logical size by setting practical size under 72 ppi which corresponding the expected logical size under expected density.

For example: achive 300 ppi, 8 pt by setting 33.33 pt under 72 ppi.

Last modified: 2018-10-17

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