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Blog / engineering_technology / computer / software / media / graphic / Gnuplot 笔记


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Gnuplot 笔记

Date: 2018-12-27 00:00:00
Description: Gnuplot 使用笔记。
Keywords: Gnuplot, 作图
Category: engineering_technology/computer/software/media/graphic
Tag: gnuplot, graphic
Link: https://www.diewuxi.com/blog/article/88.html


* 2018-12-27
    * Add: Add commands section
    * Add: Add -e option useage
    * Modify: Change "unset key" to "set key off"
* 2018-07-28
    * Done


# This is comment.
set term png [size {width in pixel},{height in pixel}] [font "{fontname},{fontsize}"]
set term pngcairo [size {width}[unit],{height}[unit]] [font "{fontname},{fontsize}"]

set output {output}

set border 3

set key off

set title {title}

set xlabel {xlabel}

set label 1 "label" at {}

set xrange {range}

set xtics {xtics}

plot {} with {}


pause -l

Interactive mode

Non-interactive mode


gnuplot {script_file_name}
gnuplot -e "{command ...}"
gnuplot -e "{command ...}" {script_file_name}


File script.plt:

set term png
set output "figure.png"

set key off

set xlabel "X (unit)"
set ylabel "Y (unit)"

set xrange [10:100]

set xtics 10
set mxtics 2

plot "./data" with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 4

plot "./data" using 1:2 with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 4
plot "./data" using 1:($2 * 3) with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 4
plot "./data" using 1:2 with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 4 title "First", \
"./data" using 3:4 with linespoints linetype 5 pointtype 4 title "Secend"

Last modified: 2018-12-27

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